Call us at: (251) 509-6035

Meet the Dump South Team

At Dump South, we’re proud to introduce you to the dedicated individuals who make our dumpster rental business work. Our management team is composed of experts with a diverse range of experience and backgrounds, working together to drive our company‘s vision and success. Our dedicated management team brings decades of experience and a commitment to excellence. They are responsible for setting our strategic direction, guiding our operations, and ensuring that our core values are upheld in everything we do. Get to know the individuals who lead Dump South with integrity and vision:

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Gary Lambert

Founder & CEO

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Introduction The driving force behind Dump South – our CEO and Founder, Gary Lambert. As a leader with a deep-rooted passion for business and a knack for turning dreams into reality, Gary is the heart and soul of our company.
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The Journey Gary’s journey began in a family business creating phonebooks back in the day. Fast forward through the years and you’ll see a trail of successful businesses along the way. Each success, and challenge, has led him to today where he’s just as dedicated to Dump South as every achievement before.
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Vision and Leadership As our CEO and Founder, Gary has achieved remarkable milestones in business. His vision and leadership have been pivotal in shaping Dump South’s identity and success. He leads with a firm commitment to our core values and mission.
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Beyond Work Outside of the business world, Gary is a devout Christian, family man, and an avid Auburn Football Fan.
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Connect with Gary Gary isn’t just the face of our company; He’s eager to connect with you, our valued clients and partners. Whether you have questions, want to share your thoughts, or simply wish to chat, Gary is here to engage and collaborate.

Feel free to reach out to Gary to learn more about their journey, their vision, and how Dump South is shaping the future.

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Joel Belanger

Operations Manager

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Introduction Meet the driving force behind the operational excellence at Dump South. As our Operations Manager, Joel plays a pivotal role in ensuring our daily operations run seamlessly and efficiently. With years of experience, Joel is a true asset and jack-of-all-trades.
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Leadership His commitment to optimizing processes, enhancing productivity, and upholding our company’s standards of quality makes them an invaluable asset to our team. By continually improving processes and maintaining a focus on excellence, Joel helps us deliver on our promises to our customers.
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The Journey Joel’s journey began in the Army, joining fresh out of school it provided direction and opportunity. Rolling forward through the years he learned new skills and more about business. Each challenge presented an opportunity to learn and has led him to today.
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Beyond Work Outside of the professional sphere, Joel loves audiobooks, DIY projects, and being out on the water.
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Connect with Joel Joel isn’t just a name on a website; He’s eager to connect with you, our valued clients and partners. Whether you have questions related to our operational processes, seek insight, or want to explore opportunities for collaboration, Joel is here and eager to connect.

Join Our Team

At Dump South, we’re always on the lookout for talented and dedicated individuals to join our team. If you share our passion for waste management, customer service, and community involvement, we’d love to hear from you. Visit our Careers page for information on current job openings and how to apply.

Thank you for taking the time to meet our team at Dump South. We’re here to serve you, and we look forward to being your trusted partner for all your dumpster rental needs.